You may not know…

…but I quite like Spanish music! Or well, music in Spanish. I’m not saying it’s specifically by people from Spain. Me gusta la música en español. I like music in Spanish…I’m really not sure the best way to describe it! If I listen to Pandora, I’ll most likely listen to the Luis Fonsi radio station or someone/something similar. He’s actually from Puerto Rico, though. I think many of the other artists that are played on those radio stations are also Puerto Rican, or at least, Latin American or perhaps their parent(s) were.

Either way, I think the actual genre of the music is something like Latin Pop? I really like how it’s either upbeat and fun or slow and soft…romantic, even. Haha!

As I’ve already mentioned Luis Fonsi, I should say that his song, Corazón En La Maleta, is the current song on my Current Song! page. The title translates to Heart on the Suitcase. Don’t let Google Translate lie to you about it being ‘Heart on Suitcase’. I guess taking 3 years of Spanish in high school sort of paid off? Maybe.

Anyways, does anyone else listen to things like this? Or maybe another type of music that isn’t expected?


PS: I’ve decided that I should have a Current Song Updates category…in case anyone stumbles on one of these posts and wants to read any of the posts letting readers know of a Current Song Update. I probably didn’t have to explain this since it is pretty self-explanatory.

A Kitty Adventure Photo-Set

This is such a beautiful, fluffy, fat cat. His name is Sammy and I got the opportunity to get quite a few pictures of him when he was outside on his harness and leash. He’s really cute when he waddles through the grass and down the steps. He was really mad when he got outside and the leash was on him. Such a sassy cat!

I decided to finally go through them and do some more cropping and editing. I also messed around with different settings and filters and such. It was quite a bit of fun. Taken with my iPhone and edited in Photoshop~

A Fiery Night Photo-Set

This was during Spring Break. I was back home and hung out with my cousins. My roommate went back with me and we had a lot of fun with the fire. Here are just some of the pictures and edits (done in Photoshop). These were also taken with my iPhone. I also have a ton of videos and slow-mo videos of the fire. I haven’t uploaded them anywhere though.

Months Ago

Months ago, I lost my way. I became unfocused. I became uncaring. The pressure of too many things in my mind stopped my thoughts. They stopped my creativity. I had no motivation. Ups and downs happen like this often, but normally they do not change my personal schedule and focus in life. I let everything get to me and put me down. I completely shut down.


Weeks ago, I remembered what I wanted in life. I am now focused. I am now caring. I don’t let anything pressure me into shutting down. My thoughts are all over, coming up with new ideas. I am motivated to do what I want for my future. I will no longer let ups and downs stand in my way. Nothing will change my schedule or life unless I want it to. I am in charge. I am not some robot going through the motions to get through school. I will enjoy and learn from school. I will embrace everything it is willing to give me. I will not let anything put me down. I am alive.

I completely stopped doing everything creative and I greatly regret doing so. I am not going to focus on one certain thing for this blog, if I so choose to actively post. I realized I shouldn’t worry about keeping to this much of a creative schedule. I should embrace my creativity and do what I wish when I wish. I, however, have chosen to keep this going as a place to post anything I wish. It could be creative or it could be my thoughts. I could be things that have happened. It could be whatever I want.


– Nicole

Photography & My Roommate

Hey everyone! So, after telling her that she should make a blog for awhile, my roommate finally did! Her major is digital photography, so if you guess that’s what her blog is going to be about, then you’re right! It’d be great if you could look at her blog and give her a follow.

Savannah’s Blog


Day 8: First song of the Month | 365 Day Challenge

Hey everyone!
So, I had no idea what I was going to listen to first this month. I really liked the challenge for today. It was simple and easy…which was nice, considering I had a long day at work which tired me out.

And so here’s the song that I listened to!


It was On My Mind by Royal Pirates. I have like fallen in love…
I would say more but that’s for tomorrow!

What was the first song you listened to today?


Tackling a Challenge

So, to help myself with blogging…I’ve decided I really want to do a 365 Day Challenge. And yes, I do know that it is April. I figured, 365 day challenges don’t have to start in the beginning of the year.

It’s taken me a few days to figure out what to do for my 365 day challenge. However, I think I have it now. It’s going to include a mix of things so I don’t get bored with it (basically compiling different challenges into my own challenge). The list so far includes photo challenges, art challenges and writing challenges. I also plan to include music somewhere in all of this. If I do so then I’ll be including a lot of the things I enjoy and like. I like mixing things up.

I also think this will fit well in my blog. All of the things in the 365 Day Challenge will be in my life and about my life. This really might help me support my blog. By support, I mean keep it up and keep me posting. It makes me feel like the 365 Day Challenge fits on my blog and that my blog is actually about me and what I like…instead of just what I like (like K-Pop). Hopefully I’ll be able to tie in my Korean Learning into this challenge. Perhaps I’ll challenge myself to create a piece of art with a Korean word or something like. Or learn a new Korean word for a certain amount of days. Hm, ideas. 😉 And as for the review part of my blog…maybe I’ll review a certain amount of songs or groups for however many days.

The only thing I’m worried about is this might end up being too all over the place to where it doesn’t seem like it is a 365 day challenge at all. Though, as an overall name, it might be wise to just call it a 365 Day Blog Challenge-where I need to blog something each day. But that seems like it’d have to be not as themed. Oh well, this might just end up being more unique.

I think that a lot of them may end up being silly or just for fun while others will be more serious. I’m really excited to get the full list written, or at least half a year’s worth so I can start the challenge soon.

I plan to get started tomorrow, which means finishing a good part of the list tonight. This definitely means another blog post will be up tonight with the list of what I’ll be doing.

Well, now to get to work!

See you later,